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Celebrating the change-makers of tomorrow

The Impact Formula is an incredible and exciting magazine which showcases inspiring people doing inspiring things. 

We have featured Grammy Award Nominees, Ivor Novello Award Winners and World Record breakers to name a few. 

The Impact Formula is an exclusive magazine and released twice a year.

Our Audience 

The Impact Formula is a Katie Queue Publication; with audiences reaching almost 17k impressions*.
The Impact Formula is the latest addition to the Katie Queue community and is published every 6 months. It is an online-only magazine published via Issuu, opening the audience up to it's 1M+ global users*.


Latest figures show our audience is predominantly from the UK, followed by large readerships in USA, Australia and Ireland. Our readers are passionate about personal and professional development; proactively inspiring and working for change.
*statistics based on readership in September 2024.

Our Website Audience 

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2000+ magazine page views per month

1026 new visitors per month on average

(and even more to the Katie Queue website)


63% of our readers identify as female;

37% as male.

The majority of visitors to the magazine page of the website are between 25-54 years old, and are based in the UK (predominantly London and Surrey, UK). However we also have readership beyond this demographic and across the globe, including the US and Australia.

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Of our website visitors, 21% of readers have a household income over £100,000.



• Mobile: 65%

• Desktop: 34%

• Tablet: 1%

See our latest issue of The Impact Formula today.


Featured and Coming up:

IVOR NOVELLO AWARD WINNER Lauren Christy, renowned for her Grammy-nominated songwriting, including collaborations with Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne and more

UK household favourite, ACTOR Jack Ryder, who rise to fame in EastEnders has led to a successful acting coach career,

EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Paul Hutchinson, following the release of his acclaimed feature film Sound of Freedom,

POLITICAL COMMENTATOR and TV Personality Marina Purkiss,

WRITER AND PRODUCER Laurence Akers, and managing partner of TeamAkers Productions alongside his award-winning wife Suranne Jones.

WORLD RECORD BREAKER Maria Conceicao, and author of A Woman on Top of the World

Award winning Greg Holden- SONGWRITER behind Callum Scott’s stunning hit song “Boys in the Street” and American Idol winner Phillip Phillips, debut single “Home,” which sold over five million tracks in the U.S.

HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATE Aalia Lanius, renowned for her work as an Executive Producer, Award-Nominated Podcast Host and multiple Award-winning Novelist.

"We realise the importance of our voices

only when we are silenced."

Malala Yousafzai

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Katie's Audience

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Want to exponentially grow your business?

Then let us introduce you to our ever increasing, dedicated and loyal audience. A wonderful way to authentically grow your following & business. (Editorial team)

Disclaimer The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and magazine participants in this issue do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of The Impact Formula or Katie Queue team or fellow writers, authors or participants. We always encourage independent research and include relevant links, websites and social contacts for those featured in the magazine wherever possible.

Copyright Statement and Policy. The author of each article published owns his/her/their own words. The author of all articles are members of the Katie Queue Ltd team, unless explicitly expressed at the end of the article with the term, “Author: Name” Portions of the articles in this magazine may be freely redistributed in other media and non-commercial publications as long as the following conditions are met: 1) The redistributed article should should be linked back to the original The Impact Formula issue, including the words “Read in full, visit” 2) The redistributed article may not be abridged, edited or altered in any way without the express consent of the author. 3) The redistributed article may not be sold for a profit or included in another media or publication that is sold for a profit without the express consent of the author. 4) The author may request compensation for republication for commercial uses where prior consent has not been obtained.

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