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Authenticity gets you rewarded

There has been an increase in awareness that being seen as kind is something that benefits your business and your profile. There’s many examples of this within business itself, where on their websites they are supporting a cause, yet behind the scenes they treat their colleagues like crap - it’s a story I’ve seen with my own eyes and one that left my jaw on the floor when I worked for a Company that was situated in the Heart of Soho. I was told, ‘As long as we look inclusive, that’s all that matters’, and then daily comments about my sexuality ensued and a constant display of ‘Katie, do I look hot in this!’ and ‘I don’t want any gay drama round here’. I know right, on reflection those comments are pretty bad, but…here’s the thing. Everyone receives some kind of flippant comments and double standards. So what can you do about it? 

I believe Dr Gabor Mate talks a lot about Authenticity and Attachment and how the human being needs both of those things as a primal need to thrive and he also talks deeply about how Authenticity can actually heal trauma. 

Dr Gabor Mate quote on authenticity
Dr Gabor Mate quote on authenticity

When we are faced with people who are two faced or their actions don’t match their words, we’re left doubting ourselves and it reimburses any underlying insecurities we have, so a true connection cannot be made. It’s manipulation at its finest. 

Authenticity absolutely heals trauma, because it’s focal point is on truth, how can you possibly heal anything unless you’re being real about it. Also, if you look at any great leader, they have a very strong element of authenticity and transparency. 

Authenticity creates a sense of safety, it invites people to invest in you and the trust is built. That is a very strong relationship builder right from the start. 

So as we reflect, on all the people who showed us confusing parts, and their words didn’t match their actions and the companies that promised and under-delivered. Where are they now? I can bet my bottom dollar they are either not around or not in a very strong position at all, and they may even be in the spotlight as we speak being held accountable for their nonsense. 

So, you want to succeed? You want to shine and be an attractor magnet of all things great? Be authentic! That doesn’t mean it’s your way or the highway, but it means that your values and your behaviours are very transparent and the level of understanding and kindness that is permeating from your very soul is nothing short of admirable. 

How wonderful and glorious to be so bold in ourselves. So loosely joyous in who we are! So create the environment and surround yourself with the people who will support this ideology and exit people, places and things that don’t warrant anything that supports authenticity. 

Anything, and I mean anything, built on rocky foundations is called a ‘Tower moment’ and in Tarot it’s not a good thing. That stuff is always going to come crashing down all because of one little lie or an image someone could not hold together. 

The energy of Authenticity is both alluring, confident, extraordinary and a massive creator energy. So if you can muster up the courage to lean a little more into your future from an Authenticity standpoint and you will see your life unfold and miracles happen that you could not have even imagined. That is how possible and powerful authenticity is! 

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